October 2010


It appears that Halloween traditions have almost completely crossed over into Vietnamese territory as more and more people are celebrating this genius free-candy?-hell-yea! day. Even Music Faces artists, rocker Anh Khoa and rapper Suboi, are switching it up this year. Decked in full Joker  and Corpse Bride raiment, these two are sure to creep the  living constipation out of the neighboring kids. Poor things.

As for the quality of their costumes, I’d say both does a pretty convincing job of channeling their respective characters. I’m spooked. Now to copy Suboi’s outfit for tonight…*evil chuckle*. Happy Halloween everyone!

As opposed to the first poster for film Saigon Yo‘s soundtrack, or else as Truc Duy‘s comeback, which features rapper Icee, this latest one unveils its actors, being Hà Hiền & Sali Dusoh (both are Bigsouth members), instead. Furthermore, if Only C‘s participation as composer didn’t already warrant a guarantee to the comeback, it appears that famous breakdancing crew, Big South,  will also take on relevant responsibilities for the MV…as dancers.

The MV is currently still slated for a November release.

Via 84 Production

Considered as one of the most deserving winners in Vietnamese pageant history, Miss World Vietnamese 2007, Ngo Phuong Lan (or as I’d like to call her–the question killer) has flown off the press’ radars for quite the extensive time period. But look who’s back!


That’s most expensive in Vpop as far as music video productions go.


Vietnam Idol’s judge, Siu Black, was admitted under hospital care after the show’s live taping of its final competition round on 10/23. (more…)

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