It’s that time of the year again!


Last year’s winner, Xuan Mai, crowns her successor


So far, so quirky. We’re lovin’ it.


You’d be surprised: (more…)

First it was the infamous Dong Nhi and Ngo Kien Huy pairing, now we have Dau Tay & Wanbi? Nokia sure knows who to target: teeny fans (usually penniless) who could only end up nagging their parents into their favor. Smart.

Check out the few new pictures for Nokia Ovi’s campaign.

Yes, they’re cutie patooties. But what does the phone even look like?

Fans have been waiting all month for this MV and just when the ridiculously long wait was beginning to get a little too trailer-filled (1, 2, 3), Zing comes to save the day. (more…)