It’s that time of the year again!


As if these 2 weren’t already all over print media (and let’s not forget the internet) to begin with, let’s grow even more accustomed to seeing them everywhere on cover pages–starting with famous teen magazine 2! Sinh Vien’s 186 edition, to officially hit stands Tuesday (12/7) morning. (more…)

For most girls in Vietnam, the typical high school memories consist of a long slender white Ao Dai. (more…)

So that’s why it was a “meaningful day“. Check it:

The MV, which seems more Valentine’s Day appropriate (chocolates? flowers? balloons?), is sponsored by Celano and released yesterday via music portal Zing.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

The behind the scenes seem fun and lively (Ngoc Thao‘s perkiness could be the thing to credit), but with a series of terrible MV’s from the ex-La Thang member released earlier this year (I won’t even specify because they were so cringe-worthy), I’ll be crossing my fingers and toes for this one. Although I can’t see how someone can screw up such a simple MV concept–I mean, Chi Thien and friends (which also includes Anh Quoc, Mina Lieu, & Bang Di) are all just having a ‘meaningful fun day’ right?–I just want to  see his videos do his songs some justice for once. Especially this one by composer Nguyen Dinh Vu.

It was revealed yesterday that Miss No-show also took on a role in the highly anticipated collaboration featuring Hồ Ngọc Hà and 9 other male singers (Noo Phước Thịnh, Chí Thiện, Hoàng Hải, Đại Nhân, Ngô Kiến Huy, Quang Vinh, Cao Thái Sơn, and the 4 members of V.Music).
